VDR - IEC 61162-450 (Edition 2.0 2018-05)
Configure Telscope to send Logbooks Entries
LAN2 (enp4s0) - IEC 61162-450 (Option)
"Binary file transfer using UDP multicast", which uses
Fill in all relevant information (IP, Subnet, SFI, Destination SFI, Device, Chanel)
VDR -IEC 61162-1 (NMEA 0183)
Serial port USB3 (D) pin 6,7 / 38400 Baud Rate is used on the Telscope Primary Server
Note that Telscope data is only sent when data (event) is added in the logbooks.
All events are sent to VDR, if no events are made in TELSCOPE
the heartbeat will automatically start after 1 minute heartbeat is sent every 10 seconds
The data is formatted as NMEA TXT sentences.
The talker is RB. The data will typically span several sentences.
The logbook entry contains an ID. Later messages that regards this logbook entry will to this ID.
Examples of messages that refer to logbook entries like this are:
Strike through of entries. Master's signature. Remarks Verification of entries.
The format of the text encoded in the NMEA TXT sentences is json.
Example of logbook entry:
$RBTXT,15,03,01,":"Position"^2C"manual_update":false^2C"value":[58.8919^2C10.*5C $RBTXT,15,04,01,33065]}^2C"STREAM:TELSCOPE.SHIPTIME.UTC_OFFSET":{"collect_fai*6F
$RBTXT,15,05,01,lure":false^2C"label":"Ship time offset"^2C"manual_update":fa*2C
$RBTXT,15,06,01,lse^2C"value":120.0}}^2C"entrytype_category":"Notes & Other"*75 $RBTXT,15,07,01,^2C"entrytype_id":"builtin:deck_lights"^2C"entrytype_name":"D*26
$RBTXT,15,08,01,eck lights"^2C"summary":"Off"^2C"user":{"enabled":true^2C"fir*57
$RBTXT,15,09,01,stname":"Benjamin"^2C"id":"040d1777-99dc-4551-8224-beb7ed2707*47 $RBTXT,15,10,01,46"^2C"position":"Dev"^2C"shortname":"BeKe"^2C"status":"on_du*32
$RBTXT,15,11,01,ty"^2C"surname":"Kehlet"}^2C"user_data":{"onOff":{"datafield_*72 $RBTXT,15,12,01,type":null^2C"label":"On/Off"^2C"type":null^2C"value":"Off"}}*40 $RBTXT,15,13,01,}^2C"event_type":"LOGBOOK_ENTRY_ADDED"^2C"id":"a5773add-473e-*3C
This data is completely self contained in the sense that it contains everything to reproduce the logbook report.